Fertility health support

Inclusive, life-changing care

We offer our patients inclusive, life-changing fertility support. It’s a fundamental part of our service, and one that’s open to men and women alike.

If you’re over 30, and thinking of becoming a parent someday, then we recommend taking our fertility MOT, to help you get a better understanding of your ability to conceive.

Of course, as well as looking after your physical wellbeing, we understand the emotional impact fertility issues can have. That’s why we work closely with a specialist psychologist. Their wealth of experience in fertility and intimacy issues has helped many of our patients, and they can help you, too.

Frequently asked questions

What does a female fertility MOT involve?

Your female fertility MOT is a series of tests to give you invaluable information on your fertility status. It’s designed to empower you, so you’re better informed when making important decisions, such as whether you can delay having a baby, or should consider freezing your eggs.

The tests include blood tests for hormone levels for ovulation and thyroid function, and a pelvic ultrasound to check for cysts, fibroids, polyps or other potential problems in the uterus. Ovarian reserve is checked both by scanning of the ovaries to assess antral follicles and with a blood test to measure your levels of anti-müllerian hormone (AMH).

What does a male fertility MOT involve?

During a male fertility test, we’ll check the semen for any anomalies in the sperm count, shape and mobility. We’ll also check for infection, the ability of the sperm to survive, and the presence of anti-sperm antibodies.


Although we’ll always offer holistic health care advice, we’re not currently referring couples with fertility concerns to alternative health practitioners. This is in keeping with the evidence base that these procedures do not improve outcomes.

Book your consultation

Appointments are typically 45 minutes. If you think you may need longer, that’s no problem, just let us know when booking*. 

* If there is substantial reading and research needed before your consultation, this may incur an additional fee. 


You can book a consultation either on the phone, via email or by choosing an appointment time from the live booking link below.

WWW: Online booking

E: DrTicklePA@hcahealthcare.co.uk

T: +44 (0) 20 3219 5296 
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